Challenges in Cybersecurity and Privacy - the European Research Landscape

Challenges in Cybersecurity and Privacy - the European Research Landscape

River Publishers Series in Digital Security and Forensics

Challenges in Cybersecurity and Privacy - the European Research Landscape

Jorge Bernal Bernabe, University of Murcia, Spain
Antonio Skarmeta, University of Murcia, Spain

ISBN: 9788770220880

Available: July 2019


Cybersecurity and Privacy issues are becoming an important barrier for a trusted and dependable global digital society development. Cyber-criminals are continuously shifting their cyber-attacks specially against cyber-physical systems and IoT, since they present additional vulnerabilities due to their constrained capabilities, their unattended nature and the usage of potential untrustworthiness components. Likewise, identity-theft, fraud, personal data leakages, and other related cyber-crimes are continuously evolving, causing important damages and privacy problems for European citizens in both virtual and physical scenarios.

In this context, new holistic approaches, methodologies, techniques and tools are needed to cope with those issues, and mitigate cyberattacks, by employing novel cyber-situational awareness frameworks, risk analysis and modeling, threat intelligent systems, cyber-threat information sharing methods, advanced big-data analysis techniques as well as exploiting the benefits from latest technologies such as SDN/NFV and Cloud systems. In addition, novel privacy-preserving techniques, and crypto-privacy mechanisms, identity and eID management systems, trust services, and recommendations are needed to protect citizens' privacy while keeping usability levels.

The European Commission is addressing the challenge through different means, including the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program, thereby financing innovative projects that can cope with the increasing cyberthreat landscape. This book introduces several cybersecurity and privacy research challenges and how they are being addressed in the scope of 15 European research projects.

Each chapter is dedicated to a different funded European Research project, which aims to cope with digital security and privacy aspects, risks, threats and cybersecurity issues from a different perspective. Each chapter includes the project's overviews and objectives, the particular challenges they are covering, research achievements on security and privacy, as well as the techniques, outcomes, and evaluations accomplished in the scope of the EU project.

The book is the result of a collaborative effort among relative ongoing European Research projects in the field of privacy and security as well as related cybersecurity fields, and it is intended to explain how these projects meet the main cybersecurity and privacy challenges faced in Europe. Namely, the EU projects analyzed in the book are: ANASTACIA, SAINT, YAKSHA, FORTIKA, CYBECO, SISSDEN, CIPSEC, CS-AWARE. RED-Alert, ARIES, LIGHTest, CREDENTIAL, FutureTrust, LEPS.

Challenges in Cybersecurity and Privacy - the European Research Landscape is ideal for personnel in computer/communication industries as well as academic staff and master/research students in computer science and communications networks interested in learning about cyber-security and privacy aspects.
Security, privacy, cybersecurity awareness, Identity Management, Cyber Threat Intelligence, Trust, GDPR, IoT security, attack detection and analysis


Chapter 2: Key Innovations in ANASTACIA: Advanced Networked Agents for Security and Trust Assessment in CPS/IOT Architectures
by Jorge Bernal Bernabe, Alejandro Molina, Antonio Skarmeta, Stefano Bianchi, Enrico Cambiaso, Ivan Vaccari, Silvia Scaglione, Maurizio Aiello, Rub´en Trapero, Mathieu Bouet, Dallal Belabed, Miloud Bagaa, Rami Addad, Tarik Taleb, Diego Rivera, Alie El-Din Mady, Adrian Quesada Rodriguez, C´edric Crettaz, S´ebastien Ziegler, Eunah Kim, Matteo Filippon, Bojana Bajic, Dan Garcia-Carrillo and Rafael Marin-Perez


Chapter 3: Statistical Analysis and Economic Models for Enhancing Cyber-security in SAINT
by Edgardo Montes de Oca, John M. A. Bothos and Stefan Schiffner


Chapter 4: The FORTIKA Accelerated Edge Solution for Automating SMEs Security
by Evangelos K. Markakis, Yannis Nikoloudakis, Evangelos Pallis, Ales C¡ ernivec, Panayotis Fouliras, Ioannis Mavridis, Georgios Sakellariou, Stavros Salonikias, Nikolaos Tsinganos, Anargyros Sideris, Nikolaos Zotos, Anastasios Drosou, Konstantinos M. Giannoutakis and Dimitrios Tzovaras


Chapter 5: CYBECO: Supporting Cyber-Insurance from a Behavioural Choice Perspective
by Nikos Vassileiadis, Aitor Couce Vieira, David R´ýos Insua, Vassilis Chatzigiannakis, Sofia Tsekeridou, Yolanda G´omez, Jos´e Vila, Katsiaryna Labunets, Wolter Pieters, Pamela Briggs and Dawn Branley-Bell


Chapter 6: Cyber-Threat Intelligence from European-wide Sensor Network in SISSDEN
by Edgardo Montes de Oca, Jart Armin and Angelo Consoli


Chapter 7: CIPSEC-Enhancing Critical Infrastructure Protection with Innovative Security Framework
by Antonio Álvarez1, Rubén Trapero1, Denis Guilhot2, Ignasi García-Mila, Francisco Hernandez, Eva Marín-Tordera, Jordi Forne, Xavi Masip-Bruin, Neeraj Suri, Markus Heinrich, Stefan Katzenbeisser, Manos Athanatos, Sotiris Ioannidis, Leonidas Kallipolitis, Ilias Spais, Apostolos Fournaris and Konstantinos Lampropoulos


Chapter 8: A Cybersecurity Situational Awareness and Information-sharing Solution for Local Public Administrations Based on Advanced Big Data Analysis: The CS-AWARE Project
by Thomas Schaberreiter, Juha Roning, Gerald Quirchmayr, Veronika Kupfersberger, Chris Wills, Matteo Bregonzio, Adamantios Koumpis, Juliano Efson Sales, Laurentiu Vasiliu, Kim Gammelgaard, Alexandros Papanikolaou, Konstantinos Rantos and Arnolt Spyros


Chapter 10: TRUESSEC Trustworthiness Label Recommendations
by Danny S. GuamÁn, Manel Medina, Pablo Lopez-Aguilar, Hristina Veljanova, Jose M. del /Alamo, Valentin Gibello, Martín Griesbacher and Ali Anjomshoaa


Chapter 11: An Overview on ARIES: Reliable European Identity Ecosystem
by Jorge Bernal Bernabe, Rafael Torres, David Martin, Alberto Crespo, Antonio Skarmeta, Dave Fortune, Juliet Lodge, Tiago Oliveira, Marlos Silva, Stuart Martin, Julian Valero and Ignacio Alamillo


Chapter 13: Secure and Privacy-Preserving Identity and Access Management in CREDENTIAL
by Peter Hamm, Stephan Krenn and John Soren Pettersson


Chapter 14: FutureTrust – Future Trust Services for Trustworthy Global Transactions
by Detlef Hühnlein, Tilman Frosch, Jörg Schwenk, Carl-Markus Piswanger, Marc Sel, Tina Hühnlein, Tobias Wich, Daniel Nemmert, Rene Lottes, Stefan Baszanowski, Volker Zeuner, Michael Rauh, Juraj Somorovsky, Vladislav Mladenov, Cristina Condovici, Herbert Leitold, Sophie Stalla-Bourdillon, Niko Tsakalakis, Jan Eichholz, Frank-Michael Kamm, Jens Urmann, Andreas Kühne, Damian Wabisch, Roger Dean, Jon Shamah, Mikheil Kapanadze0, Nuno Ponte, Jose Martíns, Renato Portela, Cagatay Karabat, Snezana Stojicic, Slobodan Nedeljkovic, Vincent Bouckaert, Alexandre Defays, Bruce Anderson, Michael Jonas, Christina Hermanns, Thomas Schubert, Dirk Wegener and Alexander Sazonov


Chapter 15: LEPS – Leveraging eID in the Private Sector
by Jose Crespo Martín, Nuria Ituarte Aranda, Raquel Cortés Carreras, Aljosa Pasic, Juan Carlos Perez BaUn, Katerina Ksystra, Nikos Triantafyllou, Harris Papadakis, Elena Torroglosa and Jordi Ortiz