Electrical Stimulation-Based Sensory Feedback in Phantom Limb Pain Treatment

Electrical Stimulation-Based Sensory Feedback in Phantom Limb Pain Treatment

Electrical Stimulation-Based Sensory Feedback in Phantom Limb Pain Treatment

Author: Bo Geng, Center for Sensory-Motor Interaction, Department of Health Science and Technology, Aalborg University, Denmark

e-ISBN: 9788793102422

Available: November 2013

Following amputation, up to 80% amputees perceive pain in the missing part of the arm or leg, known as phantom limb pain. Phantom pain can be extremely intractable and currently there are no effective, long-lasting treatments available. Reorganization in the primary sensorimotor cortex was found closely associated with phantom limb pain. Therefore, an approach targeting reversal of the cortical reorganization may hold the promise in phantom pain treatment.

Electrical Stimulation-Based Sensory Feedback in Phantom Limb Pain Treatment describes diverse features, existing treatments, and possible causes of phantom limb pain. The focus is on investigation of using sensory feedback to reverse cortical reorganization and consequently relieve phantom limb pain, as well as identifying optimal electrical stimulation paradigm that is used to provide sensory feedback.
978-87-93102-42-2, CP-FP-INFSO