Performance & Security Modelling and Evaluation of Cooperative Heterogeneous Networks

Performance & Security Modelling and Evaluation of Cooperative Heterogeneous Networks

Performance & Security Modelling and Evaluation of Cooperative Heterogeneous Networks

Editor: Demetres D. Kouvatsos, Simonetta Balsamo and Yutaka Takahashi

e-ISBN: 9788793102323

Available: March 2014

The Seventh Int. HET-NET 2013 Working Conference on the ‘Performance & Security Modelling and Evaluation of Cooperative HETerogeneous NETworks’ was organised under the auspices of IFIP - International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP Event 02691) and in collaboration with the University of Bradford, Bradford, England (U.K.). This event has its roots to one of the main work-packages of the Research Dissemination Programmes of the Networks of Excellence (NoE) Euro-NGI and Euro-FGI focusing on the ‘Design and Engineering of the Next (NGI) and Future (FGI) Generation Internets’, respectively – towards the ‘Convergence of Multi-service Heterogeneous Networks’. Moreover, it continues to be supported by the earlier EU IST Consortiums IASON and VITAL concerning with the ‘Generic Evaluation Platform for Services Interoperability and Networks’ and ‘Mobility Management and Quality-of-Service (QoS) Mechanisms for Convergent IP Multimedia Services (IMS) over Next Generation Networks’, respectively. The HET-NETs 2013 conference aimed

i. To motivate fundamental theoretical and applied research into the performance and security modelling, analysis, standardisation and engineering of evolving, cooperative and converging multi-service networks of diverse technology and the FGI;

ii. To support the staging of the First EU PhD course NET-PEN 2013 on ‘NETworks and Performance ENgineering’.

As in past events, the HET-NETs 2013 Working Conference, along with the associated EU PhD Course NET-PEN 2013, brought together experts as well as research students from both industry and academia worldwide. These events provided the first ever platform for the sharing of knowledge and the exchange of innovative ideas into optimal performance vs. security trade-offs for cooperative heterogeneous networks. They also adopted, as essential main themes, the ‘Mobility management and quality-of service (QoS)’ and ‘Innovative modelling quantitative techniques and tools’.
HET-NETs, quality-of service