Inflammatory Bowel Disease, 2nd edition presents updated information about inflammatory bowel disease in health-care workers. The theoretical content is based on controlled and randomized clinical studies in the meta-analyzes, conducted appropriately and especially in global consensus and led by international experts. As such, the reader has access the important topics required to understand the ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.
The editors and chapter authors, all established names within gastroenterology and coloproctology, and having extensive experience in assisting patients with inflammatory bowel disease, provide a concise book with quick and objective reference texts that complement the knowledge of students, doctors, nurses, nutritionists and psychologists of daily clinical practice.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Gastroenterology, Coloproctology, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn\'s Disease, Perianal Fistulizing, Histopathological Diagnosis, Radiological Diagnosis, Endoscopic Diagnosis, Video Capsule Endoscopy, Ophthalmologic Manifestations in Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Rheumatological Manifestations, Hematological Manifestations, Thromboembolic Manifestations, Hepatic Manifestations