Breakthroughs in Smart City Implementation provides answers on a wide variety of present social, political and technological problems. Green and long-lasting solutions for improving air quality, quality of life of residents in cities, traffic congestions and many more topics are needed in the coming 10 years and beyond.
Society on Communication, Navigation, Sensing and Services (CONASENSE) is a new scientific society with the vision on Communication, Navigation, Sensing and Services (CNSS), 20 to 50 years from now.
Two CONASENSE branches, established in China and in India, report in six book chapters on initiatives needed to overcome the obvious shortcomings at present. Three more chapters complete this fifth CONASENSE book: an introductory chapter concerning the Smart City from CONASENSE perspective, a chapter showing that it is not technology but the people in the cities that are most important and a chapter on recent results and prospects of "Human in the Loop" in smart vehicular systems.
Smart Cities, Intelligent Services, Big Data Analysis, Information Technology, Internet of Things, Industrial Upgrading, Social Networks, Human in the loop