Maximizing Energy Savings and Minimizing Energy Costs

Maximizing Energy Savings and Minimizing Energy Costs

River Publishers Series in Energy Management

Maximizing Energy Savings and Minimizing Energy Costs

Author: John M. Studebaker

ISBN: 9781420088724 e-ISBN: 9788770222761

Available: October 2008

There are so many different energy “fixes” available today, that many energy users are hesitant to do anything because of the apparent complexity of these “fixes”. Large energy users have completely lost sight of the fact that they may not need time-consuming, large investment strategies. Strange as this may sound, many users today have little or no practical knowledge about their energy purchases. This book covers the basics of rates, components of energy purchases, and the methods and techniques required for maximizing energy savings and minimizing costs. For new energy manager or seasoned energy professionals, this book provides the foundation upon which any successful, long-term energy strategy should be based.