All our books are peer reviewed, and published in print and e-book version
Artificial Intelligence in Action Real-World Applications and Innovations
Advances in Mathematics: Theory, Methods & Applications
Safeguarding 6G: Security and Privacy for the Next Generation
Fundamentals of Energy Efficient Lighting and Controls
Electric Vehicles and Distributed Generation - Microgrid
Energy Conservation and Management for Professionals
Artificial Insect-Inspired Vision for Autonomous Systems
Environmentalism - Pathways to Life for Humanity and Sustainability
Grounding and Bonding Photovoltaic and Energy Storage Systems
A Textbook on Linear Algebra with its Applications
Oil Well Production Mechanism Training Manual on Well Production Operations for Non-production Engineers (Oil and Gas Production Operations)
Intelligent Cybersecurity and Resilience for Critical Industries: Challenges and Applications
Gas Infra-red, the Green Heat History of IR heating and Infra-red Heating Design and Economic Analysis
Software Vulnerability Discovery Process: Concepts and Applications
Cybersecurity Leadership for Healthcare Organizations and Institutions of Higher Education
The Language of Grounding and Bonding
Devices and Wearables using a Smart Actuator
Local Development and Socio-environmental Systems Experiences and Practices toward Sustainability in Mediterranean Europe
Embedded Artificial Intelligence: Bridging the Gap Between Hardware and Deep Learning
Web Application PenTesting A Comprehensive Guide for Professionals
Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD) for Silicon and Post Silicon Technologies
Soft Computing Applications for Advancements in Power Systems
Urban Air Mobility Intelligent, Safe and Sustainable Systems for Future Transportation
Principles and Applications of Vector Network Analyzer Calibration Techniques