All our books are peer reviewed, and published in print and e-book version
Managing Indoor Air Quality, Fifth Edition
Internet of Things - Global Technological and Societal Trends Smart Environments and Spaces to Green ICT
Advances in Next Generation Services and Service Architectures
Advanced Networks, Algorithms and Modeling for Earthquake Prediction
Lighting Redesign for Existing Buildings
Saving Energy and Reducing CO2 Emissions with Electricity
Telecommunications in Disaster Areas
Single and Cross Layer MIMO Techniques for IMT-Advanced
Plant Engineers and Managers Guide to Energy Conservation
Sustainability Management Handbook
Disputationes Proceeding: Adult Progenitor Cell Standardization, 1-3 December 2010
Finance and Accounting for Energy Engineers
Megatrends for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Multihop Mobile Wireless Networks
Wireless Body Area Network
Sustainable Development Handbook, Second Edition
Stealing Time: Explorations in 24/7 Software Engineering Development
Compressor Handbook Principles and Practice
Effective Building Maintenance Protection of Capital Assets
Adaptive PHY-MAC Design for Broadband Wireless Systems
Towards Green ICT
Digital System Design- Use of Microcontroller
Pattern Recognition and Machine Vision -in Honor and Memory of Late Prof. King-Sun Fu
Future Trends and Challenges for ICT Standardization