All our books are peer reviewed, and published in print and e-book version
Selected Topics in Intelligent Chips with Emerging Devices, Circuits and Systems
Perspectives on Sociological Theories, Methodological Debates and Organizational Sociology
Applied Quantum Cryptanalysis
Big Data Analytics and Intelligent Systems for Cyber Threat Intelligence
Quantum Computing and Other Transformative Technologies
Solar Energy: Advancements and Challenges
Personal Data-Smart Cities: How cities can Utilise their Citizen's Personal Data to Help them Become Climate Neutral
Artificial Intelligence for Health 4.0: Challenges and Applications
DC/AC Electrical Fundamentals
Smart Urban Computing Applications
Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain in Digital Forensics
Smart Antennas, Electromagnetic Interference and Microwave Antennas for Wireless Communications
Smart Embedded Systems and Applications
Deep Learning for Healthcare Decision Making
5G, Cybersecurity and Privacy in Developing Countries
Continuous Improvement in Organizations
Urban Transformations, Land-use, and Environmental Change: Quantitative Approaches for Territorial Data
6G Enabling Technologies New Dimensions to Wireless Communication
Industrial Energy Systems Handbook
Energy Efficient Spectrum Resources Usage in WPANs IEEE 802.15.4 MAC Sub-layer Protocols
Recent Developments in Automatic Control Systems
Textbook on Ordinary Differential Equations A Theoretical Approach
Elementary Vector Calculus and Its Applications with MATLAB Programming
Solid Geometry with MATLAB Programming