All our books are peer reviewed, and published in print and e-book version
Eye Tracking and Visual Analytics
OTFS: Orthogonal Time Frequency Space Modulation A Waveform for 6G
Machine Learning Methods for Signal, Image and Speech Processing
The Urban Forest in the Age of Urbanisation
Requirements Engineering for Safety-Critical Systems
The NEC and You Perfect Together
Coil Tubing Unit for Oil Production and Remedial Measures
Simple Solutions to Energy Calculations. Sixth Edition
Introduction to the Philosophy of Educational Research
Inequality – The Unbeatable Challenge
Advanced Applications of Computational Mathematics
Special Functions and Their Applications
Complexity and Resilience Urban experiences in Southern Europe
Big Data Management in Sensing: Applications in AI and IoT
Game-playing for active ageing and healthy lifestyles
Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Second edition
Artificial Intelligence for Digitising Industry Applications
Implementing Enterprise Cybersecurity with Open-source Software and Standard Architecture
Hot topics in Cardio-Oncology
Economic Inequality - Trends, Traps and Trade-offs
JPEG Series
Technology and Agribusiness: How Technology is Impacting Agribusiness
Intelligent and Connected Vehicle Security
Developing an Enterprise Continuity Program