All our books are peer reviewed, and published in print and e-book version
High Temperature Electronics Design for Aero Engine Controls and Health Monitoring
Digitising the Industry - Internet of Things Connecting the Physical, Digital and Virtual Worlds
Reliability-Based Design of Wind Turbine Foundations: Geotechnical Site Assessment
Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments
5G Outlook- Innovations and Applications
Abstracts from the 2016 Emerging Technologies Research Conference
Proceedings of the Global Wireless Summit 2015
On Science, On Art, On Society: Interviews with Innovators
Field Readiness and Operation Scheduling
Generation and Applications of Extra-Terrestrial Environments on Earth
Building the Hyperconnected Society
Succeskriterier og barrierer i Sundheds-it udvikling
Reliability of Wave Energy Converters
Advances in Intelligent Robotics and Collaborative Automation
Incorporating Structural Health Monitoring in the Design of Slip Formed Concrete Wind Turbine Towers
Simulation Modelling for In-field Planning of Sequential Machinery Operations in Cropping Systems
Innovative Strategies in Tissue Engineering
Udpegning af risikolokaliteter på det tosporede vejnet i åbent land baseret på data om vejens karakteristika
Instability of Unidirectional Fiber Composites in Compression
Development of Innovative Ingredients for Improved Microencapsulation
Cardiac Action Potential Prolongation Induced by Isolated Thioridazine Enantiomers
Interlimb Communication During Human Walking: Crossed Responses in the Gastrocnemius Muscle
Precision Zone Ventilation Design and Application in Pig Housing
Dynamic Properties of Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations