River Publishers Series in Proceedings

International Conference on Recent and Future Trends in Smart Electronics System and Manufacturing

Dr. Ketan Kotecha, Dr. Pritesh Shah, Dr. Ujwala Kshirsagar, Dr. Durgesh Nandan and Dr. M.V.V. Prasad Kantipudi

e-ISBN: 9788770229852

doi: https://doi.org/10.13052/rp-9788770229852

An international conference on recent and future Trends for Smart Electronics System Designs and Manufacturing and its applications will be organized with the support of Department of Science and Industrial Research (DSIR), New Delhi by Electronics & Telecommunication Department, Symbiosis Institute of Technology (SIT). SIT is a constituent of Symbiosis International (Deemed University) which is ranked amongst India’s topmost international universities. SIT endeavours to provide quality education in lines with the requirements of today’s competitive industry and rapid developments in technology.
The theme of proposed conference revolves around advances in the area of smart electronics systems design, manufacturing recent and future trends and will bring together researchers, engineers, industry professionals and practitioners. It encompasses wide and diverse topics of application in almost every field of Business and Services. The conference will also feature pre-conference tutorials/panel discussion and industry invited talks on multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary areas in smart electronics systems design and manufacturing using hands-on/workshops delivered by industry professionals.

The proposed conference is objected for promotion, development and utilization of smart electronics manufacturing Technology, R&D and innovation activities relating for and by large no. of researchers, academicians, PG scholars and practitioners from all over the world.

The main objectives are:
  • To provide a platform for exchange of views, useful insight and learning for the benefit of industry, academia, consultant and research organizations, etc.
  • To create an access to knowledge and research collaboration under one umbrella for the advancement of smart electronic system designs and manufacturing.
  • To conduct activity to support indigenous technology promotion, development, utilization and transfer of knowledge of smart electronics system designs and manufacturing.
  • To promote innovations by students and entrepreneurs by conducting Hackathons, and Panel discussion.
  • To support and promote the policy of “Make in India” and “Atmanirbhar Bharat”.

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by Rajput S, Rupal Kapadib, Kanhaiya Sharma, Mehual S. Ravald, Mohendra Roye