River Publishers Series in Proceedings

Innovations in Communication Computing and Sciences 2022 (ICCS-2022)

Dr.Vinay Bhatia, Chandigarh Engineering College-CGC Landran, India
Dr.Sukhdeep Kaur, Chandigarh Engineering College-CGC Landran, India
Dr.Mohit Srivastava, Chandigarh Engineering College-CGC Landran, India

e-ISBN: 9788770040082

doi: https://doi.org/10.13052/rp-9788770040082

This two days conference provides a platform for exchanging and enhancing scientific & technical knowledge from the experts of R&D, academia and industry in the field of communication, computing and sciences. Communication systems are deployed in various applications and span all the aspects of modern life. This conference will encourage us to see the inventions and innovative applications of communication, computing and smart sciences. The primary goal of the conference is to promote the exchange of innovative scientific information between researchers, developers, engineers, students, and practitioners. Another goal is to promote the transformation of fundamental research into institutional and industrialized research and to convert applied exploration into real time application.

Recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence has enabled applications like computer vision (CV) and natural language processing (NLP) to assist sectors like financial services, healthcare, and automotive to speed innovation, enhance customer experience, and cut costs. The field of computational science known as machine learning (ML) is concerned with the analysis and interpretation of data patterns and structures to support learning, reasoning, and decision-making without the involvement of humans. Manufacturing, retail, healthcare, life sciences, travel and hospitality, financial services, as well as energy, feedstock, and utilities are just a few of the industries that use machine learning. Using AI, ML together with growing tech in electronics & communications such as IoT is a field open for yet more exploration.

The contributions made by researchers will provide new developments in the field of communication and computing systems with a motive of applying research in development of start-ups and industry based applications to support the Digital India mission.

Chapter 12: Smart Baby Monitoring Cradle using IoT
by S. Saranya, K. Mahendran, S. Dhivya and R. Priya