River Publishers Series in Proceedings

International Congress on Renewable Energy (I CORE 2021)

Editor: Dr. Vivekanandan Subburaj, Dr. Ritesh Dash, Dr. Jyotheeswara Reddy and Dr. Raghu CN

e-ISBN: 9788770227537

doi: https://doi.org/10.13052/rp-9788770227537

International Congress on renewable energy is a flagship conference under the solar energy Society of India where the main objective is to promote the use of solar energy from The Grass root to construct and commission. An increase in the demand for electrical energy by protecting the environment from pollution is the most difficult challenge that the world is facing today. The concept behind renewable energy Technologies, economic analysis feasibility has been presented in this book.

Again, this conference proceeding promotes such ideas regarding policies for renewable grid interconnection and associated technologies involved in it. In this book, the main focus is to how to create sustainable development by utilizing solar energy into clean electricity and thereby achieving zero emission. A detailed descriptive approach for a better understanding of the concepts has been presented through tables and figures. Incipiently, this book will serve as a ready reference for academicians and industrial practitioners regarding the usage of solar PV and other Renewable resources.
SPV, MPPT, DC-DC Converter, Inverter, Boost Converter, Charge Controller, Storage, PCC, Power Quality, ML

Article 8: Reverse Droop Control of Distributed Generation Inverters in Low Voltage Microgrid
by Dr. Chethan Raj D, Dr. Vivekanandan Subburaj, Dr. Santoshkumar Hampannavar