Author: Imran Khan Niazi,
Center for Sensory-Motor Interaction (SMI),
Department of Health Science and Technology,
Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
A brain-computer interface (BCI) is a system that interprets brain signals
generated by the user, allowing specific commands from the brain to be
sent to an external device. Such interface enables severely disabled people
to interact with their environment without the need for any activation of
their normal pathways involved in motor commands. The combination of
rehabilitation paradigms and BCIs, both of which exploit cortical
plasticity, could help people become "able" once again. For this reason,
BCI systems appear promising rehabilitation tools.
The aim of this PhD thesis is to study how a BCI system can be used for
stroke rehabilitation when it is based on neuromodulation techniques
using Hebbian plasticity and movement related cortical potentials
(MRCP) with an optimum number of EEG electrodes. Four studies were
conducted to achieve this goal: In STUDY I the novel protocol developed
in Mrachacz-Kersting et al. 2012 had showed improvement in some
relevant clinical measures used to access functionality of motor tasks in
stroke population, when applied three times in a week as a training
paradigm. These encouraging results from our first study alongside the
Mrachacz-Kersting et al. 2012 study served as the basis for development
of a self-paced BCI system for induction of plasticity. In STUDY II
(pseudo online) detector for self-paced BCI system, based on movement
intention detection from initial negative phase of MRCP, was proposed
and tested in healthy volunteers and then in STUDY III real online selfpaced
BCI system for induction of plasticity was implemented and tested.
In STUDY IV a subject independent detector (based on STUDY II) was
developed and compared with individualized detector. The results were
promising as difference between performances of two approaches was not
significantly different.
Hebbian plasticity