Digitising the Industry - Internet of Things Connecting the Physical, Digital and Virtual Worlds

Digitising the Industry - Internet of Things Connecting the Physical, Digital and Virtual Worlds

River Publishers Series in Communications and Networking

Digitising the Industry - Internet of Things Connecting the Physical, Digital and Virtual Worlds

Ovidiu Vermesan, SINTEF, Norway
Peter Friess, EU, Belgium

ISBN: 9788793379817

Available: July 2016

doi: https://doi.org/10.13052/rp-9788793379824

This book provides an overview of the current Internet of Things (IoT) landscape, ranging from the research, innovation and development priorities to enabling technologies in a global context.

A successful deployment of IoT technologies requires integration on all layers, be it cognitive and semantic aspects, middleware components, services, edge devices/machines and infrastructures.

It is intended to be a standalone book in a series that covers the Internet of Things activities of the IERC - Internet of Things European Research Cluster from research to technological innovation, validation and deployment.

The book builds on the ideas put forward by the European Research Cluster and the IoT European Platform Initiative (IoT-EPI) and presents global views and state of the art results on the challenges facing the research, innovation, development and deployment of IoT in the next years.

The IoT is bridging the physical world with virtual world and requires sound information processing capabilities for the "digital shadows" of these real things. The research and innovation in nanoelectronics, semiconductor, sensors/actuators, communication, analytics technologies, cyber-physical systems, software, swarm intelligent and deep learning systems are essential for the successful deployment of IoT applications. The emergence of IoT platforms with multiple functionalities enables rapid development and lower costs by offering standardised components that can be shared across multiple solutions in many industry verticals.

The IoT applications will gradually move from vertical, single purpose solutions to multi-purpose and collaborative applications interacting across industry verticals, organisations and people, being one of the essential paradigms of the digital economy. Many of those applications still have to be identified and involvement of end-users including the creative sector in this innovation is crucial.

The IoT applications and deployments as integrated building blocks of the new digital economy are part of the accompanying IoT policy framework to address issues of horizontal nature and common interest (i.e. privacy, end-to-end security, user acceptance, societal, ethical aspects and legal issues) for providing trusted IoT solutions in a coordinated and consolidated manner across the IoT activities and pilots.

In this, context IoT ecosystems offer solutions beyond a platform and solve important technical challenges in the different verticals and across verticals. These IoT technology ecosystems are instrumental for the deployment of large pilots and can easily be connected to or build upon the core IoT solutions for different applications in order to expand the system of use and allow new and even unanticipated IoT end uses.

Technical topics discussed in the book include:
  • Introduction
  • Digitising industry and IoT as key enabler in the new era of Digital Economy
  • IoT Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda
  • IoT in the digital industrial context: Digital Single Market
  • Integration of heterogeneous systems and bridging the virtual, digital and physical worlds
  • Federated IoT platforms and interoperability
  • Evolution from intelligent devices to connected systems of systems by adding new layers of cognitive behaviour, artificial intelligence and user interfaces.
  • Innovation through IoT ecosystems
  • Trust-based IoT end-to-end security, privacy framework
  • User acceptance, societal, ethical aspects and legal issues
  • Internet of Things Applications
Internet of Things, cyber-physical systems, artificial intelligence, deep learning, virtualization, wireless networks, nanoelectronics, cyber-physical systems, cloud computing, cognitive systems, privacy, security, trust, art

Chapter 1: Introduction
by Peter Friess1


Chapter 3: IoT Digital Value Chain Connecting Research, Innovation and Deployment
by Ovidiu Vermesan, Peter Friess, Patrick Guillemin, Martin Serrano, Mustapha Bouraoui, Luis Pérez Freire, Thomas Kallstenius, Kit Lam, Markus Eisenhauer, Klaus Moessner, Maurizio Spirito, Elias Z. Tragos, Harald Sundmaeker, Pedro Malo and Arthur van derWees


Chapter 4: Internet of Food and Farm 2020
by Harald Sundmaeker, Cor Verdouw, SjaakWolfert and Luis Pérez Freire


Chapter 5: Internet of Things Applications in Future Manufacturing
by John Soldatos, Sergio Gusmeroli, Pedro Malo and Giovanni Di Orio


Chapter 6: Trusted IoT in the Complex Landscape of Governance, Security, Privacy, Availability and Safety
by Elias Z. Tragos, Jorge Bernal Bernabe, Ralf C. Staudemeyer, Jose Luis Hernandez Ramos, Alexandros Fragkiadakis, Antonio Skarmeta, Michele Nati and Alex Gluhak


Chapter 7: IoT Societal Impact - Legal Considerations and Perspectives
by Arthur van derWees, Janneke Breeuwsma and Andrea van Sleen


Chapter 8: IoT Standards - State-of-the-Art Analysis
by Emmanuel Darmois, Omar Elloumi, Patrick Guillemin and Philippe Moretto


Chapter 9: IoT Platforms Initiative
by Sylvain Kubler, Kary Främling, Arkady Zaslavsky, Charalampos Doukas, Eneko Olivares, Giancarlo Fortino, Carlos E. Palau, Sergios Soursos, Ivana Podnar ˇZarko, Yiwei Fang, Srdjan Krco, Christopher Heinz, Christoph Grimm, Arne Broering, Jelena Mitic, Kathleen Olstedt and Ovidiu Vermesan


Chapter 10: European IoT International Cooperation in Research and Innovation
by Philippe Cousin, Pedro Maló, Congduc Pham, Xiaohui Yu, Jun Li, JaeSeung Song, Ousmane Thiare, Amadou Daffe, Sergio Kofuji, Gabriel Marão, José Amazonas, Levent Gürgen, Takuro Yonezawa, Toyokazu Akiyama, Martino Maggio, Klaus Moessner, Yutaka Miyake, Ovidiu Vermesan, Franck Le Gall and Bruno Almeida