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  • Innovation and Change in Education - Cross-cultural Perspective

ISSN: 2246-3984

Indexing: all books published in this series are submitted to the Web of Science Book Citation Index (BkCI), to CrossRef and to Google Scholar for evaluation and indexing

Innovation and Change in Education - Cross-cultural Perspective

Series editor:

Xiangyun Du, Professor, UNESCO PBL Centre, Aalborg University, Denmark
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Nowadays, educational institutions are being challenged as professional competences and expertise become progressively more complex. This is mainly because problems are more technology-bounded, unstable and ill-defined with the involvement of various integrated issues. Solving these problems requires interdisciplinary knowledge, collaboration skills, and innovative thinking, among other competences. In order to facilitate students with the competences expected in their future professions, educational institutions worldwide are implementing innovations and changes in many respects.

This book series includes a list of research projects that document innovation and change in education. The topics range from organizational change, curriculum design and innovation, and pedagogy development to the role of teaching staff in the change process, students' performance in the areas of not only academic scores, but also learning processes and skills development such as problem solving creativity, communication, and quality issues, among others. An inter- or cross-cultural perspective is studied in this book series that includes three layers. First, research contexts in these books include different countries/regions with various educational traditions, systems.. and societal backgrounds in a global context. Second, the impact of professional and institutional cultures such as language, engineering, medicine and health, and teachers' education are also taken into consideration in these research projects. The third layer incroporates individual beliefs, perceptions, identity development and skills development in the learning processes, and inter-personal interaction and communication within the cultural contexts in the first two layers.

We strongly encourage you as an expert within this field to contribute with your research and help create an international awareness of this scientific subject.

Guest Editor:

  • Nian Zhiying, Beijing Normal University, China
Editorial Board
  • Alex Stojcevski, Deakin University, Australia
  • Baocun Liu, Beijing Normal University, China
  • Baozhi Sun, North China Medical Education and Development Center, China
  • Binglin Zhong, Chinese Association of Education Research, China
  • Bo Qu, China Medical Education, China
  • Danping Wang, Technological and Higher Education Institute, Hong Kong
  • Fred Dervin, Helsinki University, Finland
  • Kai Yu, Beijing Normal University. China
  • Jiannong Shi, China Academy of Sciences, China
  • Juny Montoya, University of Andes, Colombia
  • Mads Jakob Kirkebæk, Aalborg University, Denmark
  • Tomas Benz, Hochschule Heilbronn, Germany