In our energy newsletter this month, we report back from our time at AEE West conference and give updates on our new titles with links to our latest interviews.
River Publishers Spotlight – On the Move!
AEE West
Greetings from AEE West 2022!
AEE West, Long Beach, USA March 29-30, 2023
AEE West, the first in the series of annual conference organized by Association of Energy Engineers, was successfully held in Long Beach, California. The underlying focus during the conference was sustainability and all the technologies and tools that would enable this to be implemented, particularly decarbonization and energy storage were important points. Rajeev Prasad attended the event during which River had a booth at the exhibition. This gave us an opportunity to meet some of our authors and to present our new publications. AEE Elibrary continues to gather interest as PEs were made aware of the benefits in relation to being member of AEE.
Alex Rakow and Brian Levite talk to Philippa Jefferies about their forthcoming book 'Powering Through: Energy Resilience Planning from Grid to Government'.
They discuss what resilience is, its importance, and why they have now included resilience from the Grid and Government perspective.
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This is a quarterly publication that provides detailed information on the latest developments in fields such as: Distribution and generation, Demand side response and management Smart local energy systems (including smart cities), Renewables and other cleantech developments.
This journal features publications of high quality and multi-faceted articles encompassing planning and policies and research and development in the field of energy and environment for global sustainability and harmony.
Energy eLibrary:
New subscribers to our AEE eLibrarycan still get a FREE 7 Days Access!
A single annual subscription provides access to over 200 titles covering topics from Energy Management and Engineering to Security and Manufacturing Lubrication. With over 10,000 pages of searchable content, subscribers will be able to read, search, highlight, and take notes from professional, peer-reviewed book content.
We look forward to continuing to bring out many new books, articles, and interviews. Please do keep up to date with our activities and latest publications.
For more information on our activities and books in the fields of energy, please contact us.