River Publishers Series in Communications and Networking
J. Apolinar Reynoso Hernández, Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada, Baja California, México
Manuel Alejandro Pulido Gaytan, Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada, Baja California, México
ISBN: 9788770041591 e-ISBN: 9788770041294
Available: December 2024
Vector network analyzers are normally used by engineers and researchers working in the RF and microwave field, which usually requires advanced and specialized courses at graduate level. The reader should be able to implement any VNA calibration technique, decide the most adequate calibration for a given measurement condition, and interpret the measurement results, as a seasoned RF metrology expert. Principles and Applications of Vector Network Analyzer Calibration Techniques is a useful book for beginners and professionals working on:
• Microwave de-embedding and test fixture characterization
• Characterization of uniform transmission lines
• Load-pull measurements.
It is also:
• An ideal tutorial for professionals and postgraduate/research students taking courses in microwave calibration techniques.
• A useful textbook for practicing electronics engineering and researchers working in the RF microwave field: calibration techniques and load-pull measurements.