On Media, On Technology, On Life - Interviews with Innovators

On Media, On Technology, On Life - Interviews with Innovators

On Media, On Technology, On Life - Interviews with Innovators

Arthur Clay, Founder and Director, Virtuale, Switzerland
Timothy J. Senior, co-founder and director of supersum, UK

ISBN: 9788770225953

Available: March 2021

doi: https://doi.org/10.13052/rp-9788770225946

The book 'On Media, On Technology, On Life: Interviews with Innovators' features thirteen artist-researchers whose artworks reconfigure the relationships between living bodies, microorganisms, tools, techniques, and institutions to ask new questions of life itself. When encountered for the first time, these are works that seem to challenge a conventional understanding of what artists and scientists do. Through the words of the artists themselves, these interviews explore what it means to spearhead innovative new partnerships able to create work that takes on a life of its own. By posing new questions at the interface between media, technology, and life, the book explores themes such as the life of multi-species bodies, the future of food security in the age of biotechnology, the microbial lives of historic archives, and the biohacker communities of the future. Together, they reveal how we are all actors in this theatre of life innovation.
Bioart, innovation, future food s, biotechnology, biohacker communities, bioDIY design fiction, human enhancement, infectious media, participatory evolution, post humanism, trans humanism, speculative design, genetics


Chapter 2: Media and the Theatre of Life Innovation
by Timothy J. Senior


Chapter 3: Reimagining the Self
by Sonja Bäumel


Chapter 4: The Invisible World and the Visible Self
by Mellissa Fisher


Chapter 5: Hidden Stories of Awe and Terror
by Anna Dumitriu


Chapter 6: A Narrative of Warmth
by Roberta Trentin


Chapter 7: Living in a Porous World
by Elaine Whittaker


Chapter 8: The Art of Biological Hermeneutics
by Sarah Craske with Dr. Charlotte Sleigh


Chapter 9: Literary Phenomena and Alternative Encounters
by Wayne de Fremery


Chapter 10: All Bets Are Off
by David Lisser


Chapter 11: Design Fictions and Impossible Futures
by Paul Gong


Chapter 12: Malleable Bodies: Life Beyond Utilitarianism
by Nestor Pestana


Chapter 13: From Petri Dish to Big Data
by Alex May


Chapter 14: Imagining New Life Systems: Consistency Touched
by Boredom Research


Chapter 15: Radically Rethinking Sericulture
by Vivian Xu