All our books are peer reviewed, and published in print and e-book version
Building the Future Internet through FIRE 2016 FIRE Book: a Research and Experimentation based Approach
Cognitive Radio - An Enabler for Internet of Things
Photonic Interconnects for Computing Systems Understanding and Pushing Design Challenges
Behavioural Types: from Theory to Tools
RSS-AoA-based Target Localization and Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks
Breakthroughs in Smart City Implementation
Handbook on ICT in Developing Countries: 5G Perspective
Digital Filter Design and Realization
Computational Electrodynamics A Gauge Approach with Applications in Microelectronics
Towards a Common Software/Hardware Methodology for Future Advanced Driver Assistance Systems The DESERVE Approach
Computer-Driven Instructional Design with INTUITEL An Intelligent Tutoring Interface for Technology-Enhanced Learning
Energy Calculations and Problem Solving Sourcebook A Practical Guide for the Certified Energy Manager Exam
Bringing Forth Prosperity: Capacity Innovation in Africa
Network Based High Speed Product Development
Circuit Design: Anticipate, Analyze, Exploit Variations Statistical Methods and Optimization
Computer Systems for Healthcare and Medicine
Cybersecurity and Privacy - Bridging the Gap
Q Fever
FM-UWB Transceivers for Autonomous Wireless Systems
New Topics in Simulation and Modeling of RF Circuits
Advances in Computer Communications and Networks From Green, Mobile, Pervasive Networking to Big Data Computing
Security, Privacy and Reliability in Computer Communications and Networks
The Stem Cell Microenvironment and its Role in Regenerative Medicine and Cancer Pathogenesis
Cellular Network Planning